Meet Brittany Strube

At my core, I am a teacher.

It was teaching that first brought me into the Living Arts and Science Center as a second-grade teacher on a field trip.

Facilitating learning for people of all ages is my life’s purpose and something that brings me immense joy. Combining teaching yoga with the immersive technology of the planetarium melds by background in education and technology. I hold a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of Kentucky and a master's in Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning from Boise State University, meaning I have a deep understanding of learning theories and cognitive science. Currently, I work for a global education technology company.

I have completed my RYT- 200 hour and an additional certification in kids yoga by Cosmic Kids Yoga (yes, the YouTube channel!)

For my entire life moving my body has been a method for learning about myself - movement is my chosen art form.

I grew up riding horses, it’s what brought me to Lexington. Riding, and now yoga, have been ways of coping with and healing from some pretty intense childhood trauma (don’t worry we’re not here to talk about that, but it is a part of my journey and maybe it’s been a part of yours too).

The ironic part is that while riding horses I would FREQUENTLY forget to breathe. It was something I had to work at and practice- I still do. I was once told that I breathe “incorrectly”. Did not know that was possible!

Now you might be reading this thinking- a yoga teacher… that can’t breathe?! Well, luckily I’ve come a long way since then! And now I want to help you get back to your breath. To use it as a tool for healing, joy, and connection.

The concept of quieting the mind is not one that came easily to me, for a long time I didn’t think I could “do yoga” because my mind would never turn off.

SPOILER: that’s okay. It’s more than okay, that’s normal.

Yoga is about working with the mind, breath, and body - not against it.

In this world of technology zapping our attention spans, contentment, and connections- my intention is to guide new ways of using immersive technology experiences to build authentic community and presence. After all, the human body is the most innovative technology there is.

Yoga is both a science and an art. It’s been a pillar along my healing journey and I really hope it can be for you too.

My vow to you:

Our classes will always emphasize meeting yourself where you are with kindness and self-love. Somedays self-love will look like pushing your body and mind to try new things, other days it will mean doing a little less than the mind (or society) tells us we “should” be doing.

Trying new things is scary, but it’s crucial to learn and evolve. Failure is not only okay, it’s encouraged! Through the act of failing, we signal to the body that it is okay to change, adapt, and grow. By practicing this on the mat we can be ready for whatever life throws at us!

Curiosity and self-love will be the cornerstones of our time together.

I promise.